
News from Factory Office Center

Factory Office Center

We have great news for you! Our lease for 4,000 m² is ending in July, but we have already re-leased 3,400 m². This move strengthens our market position and we are pleased to welcome our new tenants:

New Tenants

  • Euromedia Group: A significant publishing house known for its wide portfolio of titles and quality publications.
  • Bohemia Interactive: A Czech publishing and development company renowned for its innovative gaming projects and strong industry background.
  • Campiri: Specialized renters of camper vans, offering unique travel experiences and expanding the service offerings in our complex.
  • Vectorama: An architectural, design, consulting, and engineering company that brings expertise and innovative approaches to our spaces.

Expansion for Existing Tenants In addition to new tenants, we have also expanded the space for our existing tenant Imper to 1,150 m². This move has strengthened our long-term collaboration and confirmed our willingness to adapt to the needs of our partners.

High Occupancy and Future Goals Thanks to these changes, we have achieved an occupancy rate of 97.5%, and we are now aiming to return to full 100%. This successful space renewal is a testament to the strength and attractiveness of Factory Office Center.

We would like to thank Milan Korbelář and Vlastimil Rutner for their exceptional work and efforts that led to these successes. With their contributions, we believe our future will be even more successful and full of new opportunities.

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